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Rescue Stories

Feb 5
A Heartwarming Tale of Rescue: A Mother and Her Puppies Find Hope
In the heart of Tirupur's busy streets, a desperate call led us to the rescue of a mother dog and her newborn puppies, fighting for...

Jan 31
Saving Grace: A Rescued Horse's Journey to Recovery
In a heart-wrenching incident that unfolded on the streets of an otherwise serene town, a call for help reached the compassionate ears of...

Jan 27
Rescuing a Precious Soul in Need
In a distant town, 130 kilometers away, a soul cried out for help - a tiny pup, trapped in the clutches of a merciless maggot wound,...

Jan 22
Whispers of Hope: A Canine's Journey from Darkness to Light
The call crackled to life, shattering the quiet of the TMT Animal Shelter. A young pup, barely more than a whimper, had been found...
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